Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring is in the air!

Spring is here.... I hope!!

Here's some signs that spring is very close!! I know I'm ready!!

Planting corn! Riley rode with Daddy for a while when we took his supper to the field! She loves to ride in the tractor! Kinsey stood in my lap and waved every time they came to the end of the field!

This was our yard last weekend!

Our Bradford Pears look like it snowed on them! They look so pretty! I wish they could stay like that all year!


  1. Pretty flower buds on the tree!!! I know, I so hope spring is here to stay...we got out all our lawn furniture yesterday!!!

  2. Tiff has started a blog it's
    She asked me to pass it on to you. Love the picture of Riley in the tractor.
