Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I had a Friday the 13th birthday! I'm 29... NOT 30!! So many people thought I was 30 this year! Justin is the old one, not me!! ha ha This year marks the first anniversary of my 29th birthday!
My parents gave me flowers on Thurs evening after gymnastics! I had to show you a pic of them because they came with the coolest vase!! I just love it! I think it'll give me an excuse to randomly buy flowers at Wal Mart to keep it full year round! I don't want to put it in the cabinet and forget about it like all of the bud vases that we all have tucked away!!
Thanks Mom!

Also, I can't leave Justin out! I have to give him credit too! He bought me a dozen roses for my b-day/Valentines day! This was a HUGE deal for him! If you know him at all you'll understand! Last year I didn't even get a card (long story! My b-day snuck up on him!?) I held it over his hear frequently! It worked! I love my roses! He also took the girls and I out to eat in Independence! Bryson and Jamie came with us! It was a tight squeeze in the truck but we managed! We also enjoyed another football cake! ha ha Riley wanted ice cream and that was the smallest ice cream cake that Wal Mart had! Thanks for going Jamie and Bryson! We had a great time!
I'm pretty sure they may think that I'm crazy now but that's ok!


  1. Very pretty flowers...what a lucky girl you are!!!

  2. I love the 1st anniv. of your 29th!!! I've been trying to figure out how to avoid the next one... yikes! All I could come up with was 29 and so many months.. but that was going to be way to hard. Glad to see you had a good one!
